Worship Location: 6016 Allentown Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746
Mailing Address: 9201 Edgeworth Drive #4734 Capitol Heights, MD 20791
Office Phone: (301) 499 - 7115

Inclement Weather Notice

2025 Church Announcements

First Bethel Baptist Church Announcements – Sunday, January 26, 2025
The following are our church announcements for the week:
Greetings to our Viewing Audience and thanks for tuning in to our Praise & Worship Service!
Our Sunday School Class occurs each Sunday morning, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Our Noon Day Bible Study Class occurs each Tuesday (weather permitting).
On yesterday, we celebrated the life and legacy of Deacon Dwight Artis during his “Home Going Service.” Many thanks to those who assisted in any way to ensure that we honored Dwight’s memory and fully supported the Artis family. Please continue to pray for and encourage the hearts of Alphonise, Michael, Rosetta, and their families during their bereavement.
Tax Season is upon us. Preparation of church contribution tax statements is ongoing and they will be ready for pickup next Sunday. If your address changed in 2024, please see or contact Church Clerk Faye Highsmith today to update your address in our records.
On Saturday, February 1st, at 9:00 a.m., Pastor Bates will host a “First Bethel Leadership Breakfast.” All church officers and leaders will be invited and encouraged to attend.
On Sunday, February 2nd, during our morning Worship Service, the “2025 Installation of Church Officers, Associate Pastors and Ministers, Organization Leaders, and Administrative Staff” will occur. All officers and staff are requested to be present.
We extend “Happy Birthday Wishes” to everyone born in the month of January.
As we continue to pray for our Pastor and one another, please put a smile on someone’s face by sending a card to our First Bethel family and friends who are bereaved, sick and shut in, or experiencing health challenges.
Thought for the Week
“If you trust and believe in God, your yesterday will not be your tomorrow.”

Pastor Bates Appreciation Day Media Page
3pm Appreciation Service
Damien Briggs
Bernard Winchester
Anthony Maclin

Pastor Bates' Thank You
“I want to sincerely thank the Pastors: Dr. Lehman D. Bates, II, Ebenezer Baptist Church – Charlottesville, VA; Dr. Damion Briggs, Eastern Community Church – Landover, MD; Dr. Bernard Winchester, First Baptist Church of Fairmont Heights – Fairmont Heights, MD; Bishop Anthony G. Maclin – The Sanctuary at Kingdom Square, Upper Marlboro, MD that preached the WORD; the Pastors, the Ministers, the First Bethel Family; present and former members of First Baptist Church of Marshall Heights, Washington, DC; and all of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, who came together and those who could not attend, to make this a very special day for me.
Your presence, fellowship, love, time and generosity will never be forgotten. To God Be The Glory… For The Things HE Has Done!!!
I am truly beyond grateful. Thank you so very much!” – Dr. Lehman D. Bates
Heading 6

Welcome to First Bethel Baptist Church
Welcome to the Website of FBBC of Camp Springs, MD
Thank you for visiting us.
On behalf of myself and the First Bethel Church family, we welcome you to our sanctuary. It is our hope that your experience with us will strengthen your relationship with God, cultivate your desire to link with our church and its numerous activities, and/or accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
At your first opportunity, you are invited to come and Worship with us on Sunday Mornings at 10:00AM. Sunday Church School Classes for all ages begins at 9:00AM.
Moreover, on each Tuesday of the week Structured Scripture Study is taught by Pastor Bates at 12 Noon and 7:00PM, everyone is welcome to attend.
Additionally, Members and Friends of FBBC can contribute Tithes, Offerings and Special Gifts through our various PayPal links on this web page (including below).
“My Prayer for You is that the LORD will Bless You and Keep You Daily.”
(Psalm 118:24)
Lehman D. Bates, Pastor

About Our Church
Committed to Spreading the Good News
The First Bethel Baptist Church of Capitol Heights Maryland was organized and held the initial Worship Service on Sunday, December 23, 2012 under the dynamic leadership of our beloved Pastor and Organizer, Dr. Lehman D. Bates. The initial service was held at our previous location, 9171 Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD with a total of 47 members. The Lord allowed us to grow and we were officially incorporated in January 2013 with a Charter Membership of 83 Members. Today we thank God for a total of 107 members, more than twice our initial number in ONE YEAR.
GOD has continued to bless us with three faithful and dynamic ministers of the gospel; as well as the support and prayers of three Sons of the Church and their wives as Charter Members. These ministers continue to help and support our Pastor and our Church. Through God’s grace and love we receive many expressions of love and support from non-members and friends – we are blessed!
After much prayer and fasting, the Lord directed Pastor Bates to complete the organization of our church family for the work and glory of GOD. The structure now includes: Board of Deacons, Board of Deaconess, Board of Trustees, Budget Committee, Church Clerk, Church Secretaries, Music Staff, Missionary Ministry, Welcome & Announcement Committee, Church School, New Members Class, Ushers, First Bethel Gospel Choir, Golden Saints/Travel Fellowship and Revival/Hospitality Committee. The Young Adult Fellowship, Nurses Unit, Christian Education, a Historian and the FBBC Media Powerhouse Committees are still being developed. The Church By-Laws were completed and ratified. The church purchased a new set of drums and microphones. The Golden Saints/Travel Fellowship sponsored their first trip to see Moses on March 28, 2014. Our first Fall Revival was held Sunday, September 22 through Wednesday, September 25, 2013. Dr. Marshall F. Prentice, Pastor of the Zion Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD was the evangelist.
Also, the church baptized three young people: Nyha Lavern Shaw, Talayia Maria Sharon Rhode and Zander Aiden Perry. We have mourned the lost of numerous members over the years, and we continue to pray for those families. We have supported bereaved families inside and outside our church family, as we dedicate ourselves to spreading the love of God.
Our congregation presently supports both foreign and local missions. We continue to honor families with Thanksgiving Baskets on any given year in support of families in need. The Lord also blessed us to purchase, wrap and send Christmas Gifts to The Joseph Francis General Hospital Basseterre, St. Kitts, West Indies for patients unable to go home for Christmas. The growth and stability of our congregation will lead to the continued support of education, foreign and local missions, and many other areas that our Pastor envisions, encourages and the Lord allows us to be a part of.
With Christ and Pastor, our church will make a difference as we spread the love and peace of God throughout the world.

About the Pastor
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Lehman D. Bates
Dr. Lehman D. Bates, a native of Columbus, Ohio, was licensed to the Gospel Ministry and ordained into the Pastoral Ministry through the Union Grove Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio, and the Columbus, Ohio Baptists Pastor’s Conference. He currently serves as the spiritually pragmatic Pastor of the First Bethel Baptist Church in Capitol Heights, MD. Previously he pastored First Baptist Church of Marshall Heights, Washington, DC; Victory Baptist Church in Pittsburgh, PA; and Second Baptist Church in Delaware, OH.
Dr. Bates is a dedicated teacher, profound thinker, and motivating humanitarian. As a dedicated Pastor, preacher, teacher, and speaker, he desires to be a positive motivator of individuals and groups, encouraging them to achieve their full potential. He travels and ministers domestically and internationally to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and provide counseling, health care support, medical supplies, and enlightened meaning of the Word to developing countries. His mission travels include the Caribbean, East & West Africa, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, West Indies and Europe, among others. Moreover, he is the Executive Director of “Global Faith Alliance,” which has provided health care support, counseling, and the work of missions in St. Kitts-Nevis and Haiti.
As a family man, Dr. Bates is the grateful and honored father of one son, Pastor Lehman D. Bates II, who is married to the former Gloria Pailen, and one daughter, Lori DeVon Bates Curry, who is married to Melvin Curry and the parents of Dr. Bates’ three delightful and loving granddaughters.
Worship Service Hours
Come Worship with Us!
9am - Church Sunday School in the Polar Room
10am - Sunday Service in the sanctuary
Tuesday Bible Study: noon
First Sunday: Communion and Right Hand of Fellowship

Sermon for 1/26/25
Pastor Lehman D Bates
Acts 2: 1-13
"The Promise of the Father"
1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.
6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken.
7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?
8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language?
9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,[b]
10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome
11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!”
12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”
13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”
Sermon for 6/13/21:
"The good fight of faith"
1/26/25 Sermon :
Acts 2: 1-13
"The Promise of the Father"
Pastor Lehman D. Bates
African-American History Facts
Black History Month Fact
2/11/25: As we all know, our Black History cannot be contained within one month, for we live “our” history 365 days a year, every year of our lives. So this week’s “Black History Moment” showcases the African American Baptist Church. The First African Baptist Church, located in Savannah, Georgia, is the oldest Black church in this country. Organized in 1777, they are still in existence and worshipping today. The 19th Street Baptist Church is the oldest Black church in Washington DC and was founded in 1839. The Ridgley Methodist Episcopal Church, founded in 1871, is the oldest Black church in Prince Georges County. It’s located on Central Avenue in Landover, Maryland, and is currently home to the New Rock Church.
This week’s “Moment in Black History” showcases Mr. Thomas A. Dorsey, the Father of Gospel Music. Dorsey, the son of a revivalist Baptist preacher, learned to play the piano at an early age, and by the age of 12, he was a professional Blues musician. In 1922, after attending a Baptist Convention in Chicago, he was so moved by the musical preacher that night that he had a conversion experience and coined the term “gospel music,” writing his first gospel song within a week. In August 1932, while away working, Dorsey received horrible news that both his wife and child died in childbirth. Wrecked by the news, he said that God led him to the piano where he penned “Take My Hand, Precious Lord.” While still traveling the Blues circuit, he began having his gospel songs printed in sheet music form and selling them for 10 cents a piece to musicians and Pastors. He became the Choral Director at Pilgrim Baptist Church and founded the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses in Chicago in 1933, serving as its president for 40 years. He later composed such compelling gospel classics as “Peace in the Valley,” “On the Battlefield,” “The Old Ship of Zion,” “Walk All Over God’s Heaven,” and “The Lord Will Make a Way.”
What is Juneteenth?
Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.
From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond.
Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. Its growing popularity signifies a level of maturity and dignity in America long over due. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today. Sensitized to the conditions and experiences of others, only then can we make significant and lasting improvements in our society.
General Order Number 3
One of General Granger’s first orders of business was to read to the people of Texas, General Order Number 3 which began most significantly with:
"The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired laborer."
The celebrations that followed the reading of the proclamation by General Gordon Granger began a tradition that has lasted for one hundred and fifty five years, and today is hosted in cities across America and beyond. The JUNETEENTH.com website is dedicated to this celebration and to those who tirelessly contribute to its continued existence and growth. For information regarding the website, contact them via email or call: 504 242-4691.
First Timers at First Bethel Baptist Church
First Bethel Baptist Church is an open and welcoming church. From humble beginnings, we have grown into a sizeable congregation. Our typical services include prayer, sermon and community inclusiveness. We are always overjoyed when people want to come to worship with us, so please know there’s always room for more in our ranks. We look forward to meeting you.

Lehman D. Bates
Every personality has a face. SMILE! How do you see yourself? What’s your real self- esteem quotient on a scale of 0 (low) – 10 (solid)? Hopefully the face of your personality is not marred, twisted, inferior, ugly, or caustic.
The feelings and pictures you have about yourself form your self–image. How you view yourself consists of both emotional feelings and mental pictures, this is your selfconcept. What you see and feel about yourself will determine your relationship with other people and with God. The Scripture statement is significant here as it brings the heart and mind together: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
A sound and secure self–esteem is viable without arrogance or selfishness. A healthy, Godly self–image is essential to virtuous growth in character, personality and disposition. In his book, “The Sensation of Being Somebody,” Dr. Maurice Wagner discusses three (3) basic components essential to a healthy self–image:
A sense of belongingness, of being loved: you are loved; accepted; enjoyed; cared for.
A sense of worth and value: you count; you have something to offer.
A sense of being competent: you can do this task; you can cope with that situation; you are able to meet life.
You are somebody. You belong to God and He Loves you so much. You count. He gave Himself for you through Christ and you have something to offer. Never underestimate your capability. You are fit for the task. As you believe in God, BELIEVE in yourself. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). Change your face! SMILE.
UPCOMING Church news
Lauren's Volleyball Links: (she's #5)
Games occur on Saturday mornings around 6am (via Facebook Live)
Remaining game dates:
prayer for healing corner
Please pray for and send cards of encouragement to all our sick, shut-in, and/or bereaved members and friends.
We extend our deepest and sincere condolences to the Artis family on the passing of our beloved and devoted Deacon Dwight Artis. The Home Going Service for Deacon Artis will occur here on Saturday, January 25th. Viewing will begin at 9:00 a.m., followed by the service at 11:00 a.m. A Repast will occur downstairs following Interment.
We also extend our condolences to the family of Dr. Winston Ridley Jr., the late Pastor of Greater First Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and to the family of Dr. Grady Jones, on the recent passing of Dr. Jones’ son William. We collectively pray that God will comfort the grieving hearts of the Artis, Ridley, and Jones’ families, and that He will give them His blessed peace and strength during their bereavement.

Online Resources

Scripture Study Archives
(coming soon)
Organizational Profile
Dwayne Brown; Associate Pastor
PastorPhillip Coram; Associate Pastor; Ret.
Lewis Fortune
Vaughn Perry
Robert Morgan
Michael Artis – Chairman
Khaliff Kassim Vice-Chairman
Dwight Artis
Kelvin Cooke
Herbert Corbin
George Fisher
Murphy Hackett
Eddie Johnson
John Mozon
Marvin Nash
George Turner
Eddie Johnson – Chairman
Mikal Ba’th
Boyd Covington, Jr
John Curenton
Rodney Davis
Terry Joyner
Kim Outlaw
Samuel Tucker
George Turner
Rhonda Weaver
Rosetta Artis – Chairlady
Cassandra Cooke – Secretary
Gloria Anderson
Alphonise Artis
Sibbie Corbin
Rhodenia Coram
Frances Felder
Mary Ann Fisher
Lillie Minick (posthumous)
Linda Morgan
Krislynn Perry
Antoinette Vallier
Faye Highsmith – Church Clerk / Financial Secretary
Regina Hedgepeth – Administrative Assistant to Pastor
Deaconess Cassandra Cooke – Administrative Aide
Vonzy Davis – Bulletin & Program Coordinator
(Coordinators, Directors & Chairpersons are appointed by the Pastor, elected annually, eligible for reelection and additional term of service, dependent upon the office or area of responsibility. All members are welcome to join the various ministries).
MISSIONARY MINISTRY – Joan Carver, Coordinator
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION – Faye Highsmith, Director
CHURCH SCHOOL – Pastor Bates & Faye Highsmith, Acting / Linda Curenton - Secretary
CHILDREN’S CHURCH - Mary M. Ouzts, Coordinator
NEW MEMBERS CLASS – Regina Hedgepeth, Wilhemina Matthews,
Pastor Bates & Faye Highsmith, Leaders
FIRST BETHEL GOSPEL CHOIR – Billie Champ-Lopes, Director
FIRST BETHEL MENS CHORUS – William Joyner, Director
MUSICIANS – William Joyner, Gregory Parrish, William Lopes, Gregory Garvin & Brian West
GREETERS of VISTORS – Synthia Howell, Coordinator
HOSPITALITY – Deaconess Alphonise Artis, Coordinator
NURSES UNIT – Adrienne Taylor, Chairlady /Rachel Stevens Co-Chairlady
USHER BOARDS – Rebecca Outlaw, Coordinator
SISTER’S KEEPERS – Deaconess Gloria Anderson, Chairlady
TRAVEL & FELLOWSHIP – Deaconess Antoinette Vallier
WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENT – Trustee Terry Joyner, Coordinator
REVIVAL COMMITTEE – Deacon Michael Artis, Chairman
YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP - Pastor Bates, Coordinator
FBBC MEDIA POWERHOUSE – Lawrence Weaver & Deacon Khaliff Kassim, Coordinators
SOUND TECHNICIANS – Regina Gladden & Deacon Dwight Artis
Contact Us
Current mailing address:
First Bethel Baptist Church
9201 Edgeworth Drive #4734 Capitol Heights, MD 207
Current Worship Adress:
Bells United Methodist Church
6016 Allentown Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746
OFFICE: (301) 499 - 7115